
The following code of practice has been developed by the Association of University Staff (AUS) of New Zealand (Inc.) with Dr Cedric Hall, Director, University Teaching Development Centre (UTDC), Victoria University of Wellington. The code deals with the use of student evaluations of teaching for summative decision making (e.g. promotion, tenure, etc.). A draft of the AUS code was distributed to the centres responsible for academic staff development in each university and all committees of AUS for comment. We thank the individuals and groups concerned for their comments and advice. Appropriate changes have been made to the code to take account of the suggestions provided. The AUS code on student summative evaluation of teaching is for the use of AUSNZ members and New Zealand universities. The code is intended to encourage good professional practice in the use of student summative evaluation of teaching and teaching staff. AUS recognises that the contents of the code will need to be reviewed from time to ti...

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