
This study aims to reveal whether there is a difference in the acceptance rate of the Technology-Rich Classroom (TRC) utilization between teaching procedural knowledge and teaching conceptual knowledge in computer science based on student perceptions. The research occurs at the Computer Science Faculty, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia. The research design used was survey research. The population of respondents amounted to 1273 students, and respondents were selected using random sampling techniques. The number of data samples analyzed amounted to 513 data. Data were collected using two questionnaires: a conceptual learning experience questionnaire and a procedural learning experience questionnaire. Each questionnaire contains 27 items. Data were analyzed using Descriptive Statistics and Dependent T-Tests. The conceptual learning experience group score (M=85.90; SD=2.42) was higher than the procedural learning experience group score (M=71.45; SD=4.53). Dependent t-test analysis on the conceptual and procedural group scores yielded t(512)=64.32, p<0.01, and Cohen's d=3.98. The conceptual learning experience group score significantly differs from the procedural learning experience group score, where the effect size score is 3.98, and the p-value is smaller than 0.05 (α).

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