
The possibility of working in Morphology using the Technologies of Information and Communication promoting an interactive process focused on the student, who does not leave dependence, sometimes excessive, of the teachers to achieve the objectives. The general objective was to determine the importance of the use of ICT in Morphophysiology learning. A cross-sectional descriptive study with a quantitative approach was carried out. The results of the application of a questionnaire that collected the information in several dimensions. A number of 90 people were surveyed, which accounts for 32% of the population of morphology and physiology basic science students of the Nursing, Surgical Instrumentation and Prehospital Care programs of the Rafael Núñez University Corporation of Cartagena, in the period between February and June 2018. The results show that the use of ICT to support Morphophysiology learning is very well received by students and favors the learning in health sciences. ICT are tools that validate and support the observation and experimentation in the laboratory simulation.

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