
This research was conducted due to the lower of student’s learning performance on Educational Statistics course. Technology application based online tutorials was become a solution for the matter, because through this tutorial, student could correspond the subject with their daily lives, so that student motivation for learning the subject material could be increasing. A high motivation was indicated by the increasing of student learning performance. This research purposed to know how student’s motivation in participating Technology Application Based Online Tutorials on Educational Statistics course along with how the motivation’s influence to student learning performance after had participated the tutorial. The research subjects were 36 student who participated on online tutorial of Educational Statistics course in the period of online tutorial 2012. 1. The Researcher provided the online questionnaire to know the student’s motivation. Data Analysis of student’s Motivation was conducted in qualitative descriptive. While for knowing the motivation’s influence to learning performance, researcher performed the regression analysis. The research output showed that after had participated within this tutorial, student’s motivation in learning the course was increasing. In addition to that, on this research was looked that motivation had affected the learning motivation which amounting to 88,7% by the following regression equation y=-116.506+1.769 x.

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