
It is natural to feel nervous and apprehensive on your first day in uniform, but hopefully you will also feel excited. Your first day is a celebration of all the hard-won achievements throughout your training, so here are a few tips to help you make the most of it: » Organise a ward induction beforehand, or have a look around. Knowing where you are going and what your workplace looks like can help quell your nerves. » Running around trying to find a pair of scrubs to wear during handover is not ideal, so see if you can get your uniform in advance. » Hopefully your manager will introduce themselves to you, but if not, introduce yourself. Getting to know them early is beneficial and helps to make a good impression. » Learn the ward layout and where things are kept. The locations of emergency and fire equipment, and fire escapes, should be covered in your induction, but also find out where the staff room and toilets are. » Memorise the emergency number for cardiac arrest or fire. » Get your identity pass and note the key codes for restricted areas, if needed. Keep these somewhere safe and confidential. » Sort out your parking permit or other travel arrangements. Make sure you know how long your journey to work will take, and aim to arrive before your shift is due to start, so you can get settled. » Taking sick leave in the first few days of a job is not ideal, but it does happen. Knowing when and how to report it makes it less daunting to call in sick, and senior staff will appreciate your efforts to help resolve staffing issues. » If you have a preceptorship team, keep the contact details safe and don't be afraid to ask them for help. » Give yourself time to socialise on your days off, but recuperation and relaxation are also important. You will be inundated with new information, especially in your first few weeks, so expect to feel tired. Having adequate time to rest is vital. » Chat with other new starters to discover their experiences.

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