
Education is an important thing for humans to need because it functions to prepare human resources in the nation's development process. There are several characteristics in formal education, namely: having a clear curriculum, applying certain conditions for students and teaching staff must meet certain classifications. A person's ability to achieve success in life is determined by how much his ability to think in facing and solving life's problems. Someone who has the ability to think critically will always evaluate an activity to conclude everything that is factual. This research uses qualitative methods and literature study approaches. The results of the study describe: 1. Educational Zones: Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS); 2. Student Zone: Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in the Orientation of Increasing Critical Thinking; 3. Higher Education Zone: Reflections on Critical Thinking. The conclusion obtained is that HOTS is said to be good because it can find problems, solve problems and in the process of problem solving involves thinking processes of analyzing, evaluating, creating. This is because in the learning process students are actively involved to search for and find various concepts of knowledge so that it will increase creativity, innovation ability and critical thinking processes of students in solving a problem. If this continues to be honed, we will be able to compete in the 4.0 industrial revolution era.

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