
Disaster risk reduction and management is the concern, particularly in schools. One must be aware of the various indicators surrounding this very important phenomenon. In this study, the researchers endeavored to surface students’ level of awareness of the DRRM indicators. The approach was quantitative, and the research methods were descriptive and comparative. The technique in gathering data was through a questionnaire administered via Google form. The study was conducted in the college department of Saint Mary’s University with 495 participants. The study recorded more female respondents coming from the four schools of SMU, and most respondents were those who did not have any DRRM-related organization. The findings showed a good level of awareness of disaster risk reduction. However, as evidenced by the lower mean ratings in human resources, programs and activities, and structural resilience, it could be concluded that some students are not aware of some of the standards and protocols of local and national DRR programs and activities. It was also found that regardless of Sex and School, respondents’ awareness of disaster and its programs do not vary that much. However, DRRM-related organizations could be considered a factor that affects the perception of students’ level of awareness of DRRM programs and activities. Moreover, students’ perceptions do not vary when compared across the seven DRRM indicators.

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