
Strychnine (ST) administration results in enhanced responses of reticular formation neurons of the cat to visual, auditory, or somatosensory stimuli. Neurons in the bulbar reticular formation (BRF) also exhibited ST-induced spike-bursting which coincides with the onset of 10–20 Hz high amplitude rhythmic discharge in the lower brain stem often obscuring sensory response enhancement. Mesencephalic reticular formation (MRF) neurons showed enhanced sensory responsiveness at higher doses of ST but rarely showed spike-bursting. The rhythmic discharge in the EEG of BRF and spike-bursting in BRF neurons was not observed in animals with spinal cord transection suggesting that this bursting activity is due to the action of ST on the spinal cord. The enhancement of sensory responses may be due in part to reversal of repetition-induced response attenuation (habituation) mechanisms in RF neurons. The ST-induced enhancement of RF neuronal responses to sensory stimuli is similar to that reported previously with pentylenetetrazol. These findings extend the concept that enhancement of RF responses to sensory stimuli may be indicative of a general neuronal action of convulsant agents which may be important in sensory-induced seizures.

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