
Food borne diseases are caused by ingestion of microorganismas, chemical and physical contaminants. Food can be contaminated at different points along food chain production and distribution. Existing scientific evidence strongly suggests that microbiological and micotoxine contamination of food are of special public health concern although it is widespreded opinion among general population that chemical contamination is the most harmful for human health. Technical base for microbiological food safety control has been prepared by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in conjuction with representatives of all UN member countries. Risk analyse approach has been established as a scientifically based method for food safety control from farm to fork. Safe foodstuffs could not contain microorganisms, their toxins or metabolites in a quantity that could harm human health. Microbiological criteria are used as a guidance for testing food acceptability. They always include testing samples of food on bacteria indicators of foecal and environmental contamination such are Enterobacteriaceae, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, Escherichia coli. Confirmation of these bacteria in the tested food does not mean that someone who is going to consumed such food will be always getting sick nevertheless the tested food cannot be accepted as safe for the consumers. Absence of the indicator microorganisms is not an absolute garant of the absence of the harmfull microorganisms. The established system may include testing presence of the alternative microorganisms. It is expected that food business operators should have established internal system on good manufacturing and good hygienic practice including HACCP system.The system should be periodically tested and certificated on its effectivenes.

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