
 The purpose of this study is to describe the errors that occur in grade VII students of the SMP Negeri Pembangunan Padang. The population in this study were eighth grade students of SMP Negeri Pembangunan Padang. This type of research is qualitative, the research analyzed does not use statistics. The instrument of this research was the research itself and the fable text written by VII grade students of the SMP Negeri Pembangunan Padang. Data collection techniques in this research is by means of documentation. The data analysis technique of this research went through several processes, namely (1) reading fable texts of students' work, (2), reading fables of students' work, (3) looking for language errors (use of spelling) in fable texts of students' work, (4) grouping errors free fable text of student work, and (5) discusses errors in fable text of student work. The results of the first study, the structure in the fable text of VII students of SMP Negeri Pembangunan Padang 99% was made correctly and properly. Second, non-linguistic errors in fable texts written by VII grade students of SMP Negeri Pembangunan Padang, namely mistakes in the use of capital letters, mistakes in prepositions of use, and errors in making particles. Errors found were published, (1) errors in capital letters using 175 cases of errors, (2) errors in prepositions as many as 50 cases of errors, and (3) Third, steps to overcome errors in writing fable texts for VII grade students of SMP Negeri Pembangunan Padang.
 Keywords: Structure and Language Elements of Fable Text.

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