
Since the [Isma]ilis advocated radical transformation of the status quo and practiced a form of Islam which differed from the prevailing Islamic orthodoxy and orthopraxy both the Sunnis and the Shiites regard them as heretics. Embellishing Marco Polos imaginative description of the Ismaili leadership in Alamut Iran a number of western writers have characterized the Ismailis as assassins. According to Marco Polo Hasan Sabah the founder of the Ismaili state had erected pavilions with runnels flowing with wine milk honey and water while beautiful maidens danced alongside to seduce the men. Hasan was also said to have used drugs to intoxicate the people in the palace to make them believe that they were in paradise. But when they found themselves back in the real world Hasans men would tell them that if they wished to return to paradise they must assassinate the enemies of their faith. Such fanatical characterizations however do not provide convincing explanations of how the sect was able to rule for so many years. In fact the Ismailis adhered to the principle or foundation (assas a Persian word) of their faith and for this reason; they are duly called assassiyuns or followers of the assas. This mistaken etymology may have led novice scholars to portray Ismailis as assassins. Well-known scholar of Ismailism Farhad Daftary (1990; 1994) who has written two voluminous works on Ismaili history has also failed to comprehend the basis of this mistaken etymology. The existing Ismaili literature is surrounded by layers of myth hagiography and legend regarding their leadership while its theorists have failed to counter this barrage of public assault on their faith leading to such distortion of Ismaili doctrines. (authors)

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