
The results of the GSCA show that the Bruguieragymnorhiza mangrove forest is an alternative source offood for local people that can be mixed with rice, and madevarious kinds of food diversification. The NDVIresults show that the mangrove density with the dominanceof Bruguiera gymnorhiza species needs to berehabilitated and restored to increase its density anddensity. Considering that the location of the mangroveforests in the two research villages is in water areas, it isnecessary to have a policy to convert rice fieldsback to the growth of mangrove land. The policy of theLamongan district government which is containedin the strategic plan policy to optimize coastal land into thedevelopment of residential areas, industrialareas need to be updated and revised into protected areas. Mangrove forest areas are managed for the useof mangrove forests as an alternative to food by dividingthe area into a no-take zone and a limited economicarea that can only be used as a food source area for thecommunity.

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