
X-ray diffraction analyses of fibers of polydeoxyadenylic acid · polydeoxythymidylic acid show that this molecule exists as a 10-fold double-helix with axial rise per nucleotide h = 3.24 to 3.29 A. The structure is very similar to B-DNA (h = 3.37 A) in having C3-exo furanose rings and base-pairs positioned centrally on the helix axis, but distinctive enough to have two packing modes, neither of which has been observed for B-DNA. Although the triple-stranded poly(dT) · poly(dA) · poly(dT) also has a large value of h(3.26 A), each of the chains is a 12-fold helix of the A-genus with C3-endo furanose rings and bases displaced several Angstrom units from the helix axis.

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