
Gd-based Gd65−xRExFe20Al15 (x = 0–20, RE = Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er) alloys in ribbon form have been prepared by rapid quenching technology. It is found that the Gd65−xTbxFe20Al15 ribbons are in amorphous state. However, for the Gd65−xRExFe20Al15(RE = Dy, Ho, and Er) ribbons, in addition to a diffuse diffraction band, peaks from hexagonal rare-earth-rich phases are present indicating a mixture of amorphous and crystalline phases. This indicates that the heavier rare-earth elements (Dy, Ho, and Er) will decrease glass formability in the Gd-based Gd65−xRExFe20Al15 (RE = Dy, Ho, and Er) ribbons. The magnetic entropy changes of these ribbons increase with increasing the contents of the heavier rare-earth elements. The maximal magnetic entropy changes of the Gd45RE20Fe20Al15 (RE = Tb, Dy, Ho, and Er) ribbons are located in the range of 4.46–5.57 J/kg K under 50 kOe. Refrigerant capacity values are obtained to be about 580–720 J/kg under 50 kOe. These values are comparable to or even higher than those of Gd-based bulk metallic glass alloys.

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