
Early career scientists (ECS) are agents of change and driving forces in the promotion of mental health. The German Center for Mental Health (DZPG) is apowerful initiative to guide and support careers in the field of mental health. The DZPG aims to make investments to educate, engage, excite, and empower ECS in an interdisciplinary and interinstitutional scientific community. To achieve this, the ECS Board at the DZPG plays acentral role and consists of 18elected ECS representatives. The ECS culture gives members the right of voice and embraces bottom-to-top ideas and acknowledges autonomy and co-determination. The DZPG academy was developed to facilitate communication and networking and encourage collaboration among ECS members. The DZPG also navigates several key issues, such as equality, diversity, inclusion, family friendliness and work-life balance, which are essential for afunctioning research landscape. The DZPG also extends opportunities to ECS to develop skills and competencies that are essential for contemporary ECS. It complements nationwide support for ECS with funding opportunities, mental health support at work, careers advice and guidance activities. Importantly, the ECS Board is committed to patient and public involvement and engagement, scientific communication and knowledge transfer to multiple settings. The DZPG will contribute to fostering ECS training programs for student and academic exchanges, collaborative research, and pooling of resources to acquire grants and scholarships. It will also support the establishment of hubs for ECS networks and promote the expansion of international competence of ECS in Germany.

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