
Quantum collision models normally consist of a system interacting with a set of ancillary units representing the environment. While these ancillary systems are usually assumed to be either two level systems or harmonic oscillators, in this work we move further and represent each ancillary system as a structured system, i.e. a system made out of two or more subsystems. We show how this scenario modifies the kind of master equation that one can obtain for the evolution of the open systems. Moreover, we are able to consider a situation where the ancilla state is thermal yet has some coherence. This allows the generation of coherence in the steady state of the open system and, thanks to the simplicity of the collision model, this allows us to better understand the thermodynamic cost of creating coherence in a system. Specifically, we show that letting the system interact with the coherent degrees of freedom requires a work cost, leading to the natural fulfillment of the first and second law of thermodynamics without the necessity of ad hoc formulations.

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