
The Sancti Spiritus Dome of the eastern Escambray (Cuba) represents a metamorphic fold and thrust structure which was part of the Cretaceous subduction-accretion complex of the Greater Antillean Arc. On the basis of structural data and pressure-temperature-time evolution the metamorphic complex can be subdivided into four units interpretable as nappes: a high-grade greenschist-facies unit (Pitajones unit), a high-pressure tectonic melange (Gavilanes unit), high-pressure amphibolites (Yayabo unit) and – tectonically overlying - low-pressure metagabbros of the Greater Antillean Arc (Mabujina unit). The oldest rock fabrics are preserved in eclogite- and blueschist-facies rocks of the Gavilanes unit, indicating arc-parallel extension. Maximum metamorphic conditions are recorded in eclogites (16-20 kbar, 580-630 °C) and garnet-mica schists (16-23 kbar, 530-610 °C) of the Gavilanes unit. Field observations and fabric studies show that greenschist-facies dynamic indicators are dominated by top-to-NE tectonic transport in the lowermost nappes. The greenschist-facies shear zone between the Yayabo unit and the Mabujina unit is viewed as the main detachment zone between the subduction complex and the overlying arc complex. Active subduction ceased at about 70 Ma, followed by rapid uplift, exhumation and thrusting to the north.

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