
Bangka Island is one of the most potential areas with abundant mineral resource in indonesia. The main commodities in the exploration of metal mineral deposits on Bangka Island are tin. Tin deposits located on Bangka Island are formed from acid magma produced of collision. The research location is in Airdibi area, Jebus subdistrict, West Bangka regency, Bangka and Belitung province. The objective of this research is to know the characteristics of primary tin deposit by observing the geological aspect, and the distribution of alteration and mineralization. Research method are used is surface geological mapping. Analyzes performed to process surface geological data are petrographic analysis, mineral graphic analysis, ASD analysis (Analitycal Spectral Devices), and XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) analysis. Stratigraphy of this research areas from the old to the young, namely the Complex Pemali Uni, the Tanjunggenting Sandstone Unit, the Fine Grain Granite Klabat Unit and Alluvial Deposit. Assemblages Minerals alteration at the study sites results from an ASD analysis showing the minerals resulting from a hydrothermal process consisting of six zone there are Tourmaline + Muscovite + Chlorite + Illite + Smectite, Silica + Tourmaline, Illite + Smectite + Chlorite + Tourmaline, Illite + Smectite + Tourmaline, Muskovite + Quartz + Illite + Smectite + Halloysite, Kaolinite + Illite + Smectite. From the XRF analysis showing the various grade of tin on the vein. The geologic structure that developed in the research area is highly controlling the primary tin mineralization process. Veins with a relatively NW-SE direction which is an extension faults product has a higher level than a sheeted veins with a Relatively NE - SW direction which is a compression faults product. Based on field data and the results of laboratory analysis, deposit type greisen deposits in the vein phase.

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