
In treatment of trans-[Ru(NO)(NH3)4(OH)]Cl2 with concentrated sulfuric acid on heating trans-[Ru(NO)(NH3)4(SO4)](HSO4)·H2O (I) is obtained with a yield close to quantitative. In the interaction of the saturated solution of I with a saturated NaNO3 solution a trans-[Ru(NO)(NH3)4(SO4)]NO3·H2O (II) precipitate forms whose structure is determined by single crystal XRD: space group P212121, a = 6.8406(3) A, b = 12.6581(5) A, c = 13.3291(5) A. A monodentately coordinated sulfate ion is in the trans-position to the nitroso group. Compound II is characterized by IR spectroscopy, powder XRD, and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The process of its thermolysis is studied; by differential scanning calorimetry the thermal effect of the dehydration reaction occurring on heating to 120°C (ΔH = 58.9 ± 1.5 kJ/mol) is estimated. The final product of the thermolysis of II is a mixture of Ru and RuO2.

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