
Solid solutions of cadmium and lead fluoroapatite [Pb (10− x )Cd x (PO 4) 6F 2 (0⩽ x⩽5)] were synthesized by a wet process in a basic medium. Replacement of lead by cadmium induces a linear variation of the crystallographic parameters “ a” and “ c” according to Végard's law. The cadmium content, as obtained from the refinement, is in agreement with the chemical analysis. The distribution of the lead and cadmium ions between two non-equivalent crystallographic sites, M(1) and M(2), was determined by the Rietveld method. The site-occupancy factors of atoms clearly indicate a preference of cadmium for site M(1) in the apatite structure in agreement with its smaller ionic radii. A progressive shift of the F − ion toward the center of the triangles formed by the site M(2) metals has been observed with increasing cadmium content.

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