
The article discusses the nature-oriented recreational system (NRS) of the Northern Urals, which is necessary for the adequate development and regulation of tourism processes in this area. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to study the structure of the NRS of the Northern Urals, for which it is necessary: to study the composition of the NRS, to determine the manifestation of its development without transformation into a TRS, to find out the ratio of uninhabited areas (UA) and tourist areas and to study the territorial organization of nature-oriented tourism in the Northern Urals. The NRS of the Northern Urals consists of 4 tourist areas: Konzhakovsky, Kvarkushsky, Vishera and Manpupunersky and 5 UA, which are mainly visited by tourists living in the regions in which these areas are located, or from which tourist routes begin. Supervisory authorities consist of administrations of various levels, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the search and rescue service, the route qualification commission and insurance companies, but they are not directly present on the territory of the UA, but are located in regional and district centers closest to the UA. The following types of tourist infrastructure are presented on the territory of the UA in the Northern Urals: tourist bases, cordons of reserves, and several huts of fishermen. All four subsystems are present in the NRS of the Northern Urals, except for the UA surrounding Mount Telposiz. It is attractive, frequented by tourists and is developing without being transformed into a TRS.

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