
Summary Three seismic refraction profiles have been recorded on the East Pacific Rise near the Siqueiros fracture zone. These profiles have been interpreted using both travel-time analysis and waveform and amplitude studies with the aid of synthetic seismograms. For the profile at the Rise Crest a pronounced low velocity zone has been found at about 2 km below the seabed. The P-wave velocities increase quite rapidly from about 5 km s-' at the sea floor to 6.7 km s-' at the lid of the low velocity zone. Mantle arrivals from below this zone indicate a low P-wave velocity of 7-7 km s-'. A second profile, on 2.9 My old crust shows a shallow region of strong velocity gradients which grades into velocities typical of the ' oceanic ' layer without any clear stratification. The mantle velocity is again low at 7.6 km s-'. The third profile situated on 5 My old crust, shows more distinct layering but velocity gradients exist within the stratification. The velocities here are more typical for Pacific refraction profiles and we have a mantle velocity of 8 km s-'. The results show that radical changes occur in the structure of the oceanic crust within a few million years in this region and that stratification becomes more pronounced with age. The most rapid change in seismic velocity with age appears to occur in the top 2 km of the structure and the low velocity zone is certainly absent for crustal ages greater than 1 - 5 My.

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