
It is the primary purpose of this study to make clear the structural characteristics of the Shinjuku busy quarter, which is one of the busiest quarters in Tokyo, together with the comprehension of the general form of a busy quarter in a large city. Investigations into the Shinjuku busy quarter were done for five months from March to August in 1963 relative to the following two items:(1) Stores and other economic establishments. All of these establishments were plotted on a blank map so that the related analysis could be made.(2) Pedestrians. Number of pedestrians was counted by streets and also by sex. Daily alterations were also considered. Based on the above-mentioned two kinds of investigations, the following characteristics were revealed concerning the busy quarter of Shinjuku:(1) Classification of establishments and their ratios. The establishments are divided into two categories; those of prosperous streets and of ordinary streets. After dividing the former into minor categories, their ratios were calculated.(2) Zonal division. Three major zones are recognized in the Shinjuku busy quarter in terms of the pro-portion of establishments by kinds, number of pedestrians, and the ratio off women out of the total pedestrians. These three major zones can be further subdivided into 26 minor zones.(3) Consideration of the principles of zonal arrangement. As a result of the detailed investigation of the busy quarter of Shinjuku, the general principles concerning the formation of a busy quarter and its areal arrangement were considered.

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