
A casting technique has been employed to display in three dimensions, the lymphatic microcirculation within the human lymph node. The casting compound filled the marginal sinus, and diffusely permeated the cortical lymphoid parenchyma. However, deep within the lymph node in the medullary region, the medium remained within the limits of the sinus walls. The casts showed well-defined channels appearing similar to vessels. These converged into larger vessels, which drained into efferent lymphatics leaving the node at the hilus. Electron microscopic examination showed that the outer wall of the marginal sinus and the trabecular side of trabecular sinuses had an intact, continuous endothelium with a basement membrane. However, gaps were present in the inner wall of the marginal sinus, as well as in the parenchymal wall of the trabecular sinus. In the medulla, the sinuses were lined by endothelial cells which appeared similar to macrophages. The sinus lining was incomplete and possessed numerous perforations. These observations indicated that sinus walls adjacent to connective tissue served as a barrier to cell movement, but those adjacent to a large lymphoid cell population had gaps, with cells in apparent transit between sinus lumen and parenchyma.

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