
In the present work, odd-odd ${}^{62,64,66}$Cu nuclei have been studied in the framework of the interacting boson-fermion-fermion model (IBFFM). Odd-odd Cu nuclei have been described with the parameters obtained from the IBM calculation for even Ni nuclei and the IBFM description of odd mass Cu and Ni nuclei. A simple delta interaction has been assumed between the odd neutron and the odd proton in the odd-odd nuclei. The calculated excitation energy values and the magnetic moments of odd Cu and Ni nuclei in the IBFM are compared to show the effectiveness of the parameters in explaining the low energy structure of these nuclei. Excitation energy spectra, magnetic moment and spectroscopic factors for the single-nucleon transfer reaction have been calculated for the odd-odd nuclei and are compared with the corresponding experimental values. The results seem to indicate the ability of the model to explain the low energy structure of odd-odd Cu nuclei.

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