
Let $f$ be a post-critically finite endomorphism (PCF map for short) on $\mathbb{P}^2$, let $J_1$ denote the Julia set and let $J_2$ denote the support of the measure of maximal entropy. In this paper we show that: 1. $J_1\setminus J_2$ is contained in the union of the (finitely many) basins of critical component cycles and stable manifolds of sporadic super-saddle cycles. 2. For every $x\in J_2$ which is not contained in the stable manifold of a sporadic super-saddle cycle, there is no Fatou disk containing $x$. Here sporadic means that the super-saddle cycle is not contained in a critical component cycle. Under the additional assumption that all branches of $PC(f)$ are smooth and intersect transversally, we show that there is no sporadic super-saddle cycle. Thus in this case $J_1\setminus J_2$ is contained in the union of the basins of critical component cycles, and for every $x\in J_2$ there is no Fatou disk containing $x$. As consequences of our result: 1.We answer some questions of Fornaess-Sibony about the non-wandering set for PCF maps on $\mathbb{P}^2$ with no sporadic super-saddle cycles. 2. We give a new proof of de Th\'elin's laminarity of the Green current in $J_1\setminus J_2$ for PCF maps on $\mathbb{P}^2$. 3. We show that for PCF maps on $\mathbb{P}^2$ an invariant compact set is expanding if and only if it does not contain critical points, and we obtain characterizations of PCF maps on $\mathbb{P}^2$ which are expanding on $J_2$ or satisfy Axiom A.

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