
The number of gyres, mode, and direction of coils, centromere, secondary constriction, and telomere were studied in the human somatic chromosomes in terms of spiral structure, employing the newly developed technique involving a hypotonic treatment. Results obtained are: 1. the number of gyres is most probably constant in analogous chromosome from different cells; 2. the direction of coils is random; 3. each ehromatid is accepted as a unit of chromonema coiling; 4. the centromere seems to be a regionally elongated portion of the chromonema, without showing any differentiated structure; 5. chromonemata at secondary constrictions usually appear as uncoiled or less tightly coiled entities, and 6. two different types of the telomere structure were observed, one being a pointed-end type, while the other is a rounded-end type (Summary see p. 424).

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