
This study reflects the change in the dynamics of the yield structure of alfalfa hybrid of the Bazhena variety (Medicago varia Martin) of the first year of life when seeds are treated with the Grivlag organic growth-regulating substance. According to the studies, the most leafy were alfalfa plants, the seeds and shoots of which were treated with the growth substance (22.92 g), which is on average 5.02% more for three cuttings than the weight of leaves in the control (21.65 g). However, the weight of stems in the experimental variant (35.5 g) also increased by 14.12% in comparison with the control (31.15 g). In the sum of three cuttings, the average total weight of experimental plants exceeded the weight of control plants by 12.0% (p<0.05). Since the mowing fell on the phase of the beginning of alfalfa flowering, a comparison was made of the weight of inflorescences. The weight of inflorescences in the experiment was 5.02 g, which is 22.90% more than the weight of inflorescences in the control (3.87 g) (p<0.05). The results obtained indicate a positive effect on the overall growth of the aerial part of those plants that were treated with the Grivlag growth substance.

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