
Morphotechnical Structure of the lithic industry of Atapuerca's Lower and Middle Pleistocene Sites (Burgos, Spain). The three technical Modes for the production of lithic artefacts, during the Lower and Middle Pleistocene, have been recognized in the Atapuerca sites (Burgos, Spain). In the lower levels of Gran Dolina (TD4, TD5 and TD6), with an age of > 780 ka, we have found lithic industry of Mode 1. In the Galería site, with datings between 450 and 250 ka there are artefacts of Mode 2. The lithic industry of Mode 3 proceed from the level TD11 of Gran Dolina, with mean age of 337 ± 29 ka. In the Atapuerca sites we can study the transformation of Lithic Production since the Lower Pleistocene to the final part of the Middle Pleistocene. In this sense, the lithic industry of level TD10 (Gran Dolina), can be fundamental in order to the study of the transition between Mode 2 and Mode 3. The Sierra de Atapuerca sites give important information about the evolution of lithic technology, at time of the epoch of the first europeans.

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