
Thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) is an important regulator in the balance of coagulation and fibrinolysis. TAFI is a metallocarboxypeptidase that circulates in plasma as zymogen. Activated TAFI (TAFIa) cleaves C-terminal lysine or arginine residues from peptide substrates. The removal of C-terminal lysine residues from partially degraded fibrin leads to reduced plasmin formation and thus attenuation of fibrinolysis. TAFI also plays a role in inflammatory processes via the removal of C-terminal arginine or lysine residues from bradykinin, thrombin-cleaved osteopontin, C3a, C5a and chemerin. TAFI has been studied extensively over the past three decades and recent publications provide a wealth of information, including crystal structures, mutants and structural data obtained with antibodies and peptides. In this review, we combined and compared available data on structure/function relationships of TAFI.

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