
Cementless slag ash concrete may be manufactured using high-calcium fly ash and silica fume as replacements for a binder and a microfiller, and incorporating slag sand from thermal power plants (TPP) as an aggregate. This concrete consists of waste products from TPP (fly ash and slag) and ferro-alloy plants (silica fume) and contains neither natural nor artificial aggregates for lightweight and heavy concretes. Silica fume (10–20% by weight of ash) and hot water together with subsequent heat treatment of concrete products or of castin situ structures binds the excess free calcium oxide present in the ash, and thus prevents deterioration of the concrete. The processes of concrete structure formation were investigated after 24 hours, 28 days, 3 and 6 months and the physico-mechanical, deformation and special properties (frost resistance, heat conductivity, protection of reinforcement from corrosion) were studied. This concrete conforms to the Russian Federation GOST requirement for use in single, two-storey buildings. The cost of the concrete is reduced by a factor of 3 compared with that of ordinary concrete.

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