
The thermal radiation at 8.5 THz resonating with the longitudinal optical (LO) phonon is emitted from surface Au–GaAs microstripe structures on undoped GaAs wafers. The emission spectrum comprises a component originating from the LO phonon resonant electric dipole and another one of blackbody‐like emission subject to Planck's law for structures without or low mesa height. Narrow GaAs window yields thermal emission spectra with deep‐ and wide‐intensity drop at the higher‐energy side of the LO phonon energy. This intensity drop is formed by the absorption of the emitted radiation by generating surface phonon polaritons and forms the weak background emission in the region of 260–350 cm−1. An additional emission peak is observed at ≈350 cm−1 for high‐mesa structures. This peak is attributed to phonon–polariton‐related emission, for which electric dipoles are yielded by pairs of polarization charges in Au–GaAs–Au mesa structures.

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