
The structural study of SnPb 2O 4 oxide, an isomorphic compound belonging to the general family “ MeX 2O 4” like Pb 3O 4, is made from accurate X-ray and neutron diffraction techniques on powdered samples. The structural evolution of SnPb 2O 4 is analyzed from 300 to 5 K: no phase transition is observed, contrary to Pb 3O 4, which exhibits a tetragonal → orthorhombic transition at 170 K. The thermal expansion tensor is practically isotropic in this temperature range: the α a , α c and α V coefficients are neighboring those observed in the Pb 3O 4 tetragonal phase at the same temperature. On the other hand, the thermal vibrations are strongly anisotropic, with large amplitudes in the ( a, b) plane. In this study the thermal vibrations are connected to the thermal expansion. Bab and Bc temperature factors are considered as functions of the a and c cell parameters. The relation established by Grüneisen between the mean-square amplitudes of vibrations and the thermal volume expansion is discussed. The interatomic distances found show that the bindings are similar to that of Pb 3O 4: only the [ Sn 4+O 6] octahedrons are smaller than [Pb 4+O 6] octahedrons.

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