
The notion of ensuring food for all through rice production in Cameroon dates back to 1954 with the creation of SEMRY (Sociétéd Expansionet de Modernization de la Riziculture de Yagoua). Consequently, rice production in Cameroon was left at the mercy of untrained farmers with limited or no access to input and technology. This study examines the effect of market structure and conduct on the performance of Ndop rice marketing. The research interviewed a total of 50 respondents (19 farmers-traders, 12 millers, 9 wholesalers and 10 retailers) who were selected randomly. The data was analyzed with the use of Statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 16.0 and Excel while the Weighted Least Squares regression technique was employed for the estimation of coefficients and test of hypothesis. Performance of the Ndop marketing was captured in a broad dimension which included aspects of product quality and product efficiency, market structure was captured by product homogeneity, entry and exit and market growth rate, while market conduct was captured by the marketing strategy, price strategy and product strategy. Result of the findings revealed that market structure and conduct positively and significantly influences the performance of the Ndop rice marketing. Effort should be directed towards improving the quality and quantity of local rice for it to compete with imported counterpart. This can be achieved by subsidizing cost of milling and monitoring the processing and packaging of locally produced rice at every stage in the marketing chain. The improvement of farm to market roads, the varieties of seeds as well as subsidizing the production process will go a long way to improve market performance.

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