
AbstractThe aquatic firefly Luciola substriata Gorham, 1880 (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) was first discovered in mainland China in 2000. The larvae of L. substriata inhabit ponds and lakes rich in aquatic vegetation. We recorded L. substriata feeding on two species of aquatic snails, Lymnaea stagnalis (L., 1758) (Basommatophora: Lymnaeidae) and Gyraulus convexiusculus (Hutton, 1849) (Basommatophora: Planorbidae). Three predators of fireflies were also recorded for the first time: the red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) (Decapoda: Cambaridae), the crab Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne-Edwards, 1853 (Decapoda: Varunidae), and the grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellus (Valenciennes in Cuvier et Valenciennes, 1844) (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Egg incubation averaged 11 days at an ambient temperature of 20–25 °C. The prepupal stage of L. substriata lasted 6.2 days, and the pupal stage lasted 4.4 days. The imaginal period lasted from May to September. Courtship light-flashing activity peaked 1 h after sunset. The light spectrum of responsiveness of L. substriata was 425–603 nm, with a peak responsive emission at 504 nm. In addition, we have described and illustrated the morphology of L. substriata.

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