
High-throughput docking is a computational tool frequently used to discover small-molecule inhibitors of enzymes or receptors of known three-dimensional structure. Because of the large number of molecules in chemical libraries, automatic procedures to prune multimillion compound collections are useful for high-throughput docking and necessary for in vitro screening. Here, we propose an anchor-based library tailoring approach (termed ALTA) to focus a chemical library by docking and prioritizing molecular fragments according to their binding energy which includes continuum electrostatics solvation. In principle, ALTA does not require prior knowledge of known inhibitors, but receptor-based pharmacophore information (hydrogen bonds with the hinge region) is additionally used here to identify molecules with optimal anchor fragments for the ATP-binding site of the EphB4 receptor tyrosine kinase. The 21,418 molecules of the focused library (from an initial collection of about 730,000) are docked into EphB4 and ranked by force-field-based energy including electrostatic solvation. Among the 43 compounds tested in vitro, eight molecules originating from two different anchors show low-micromolar activity in a fluorescence-based enzymatic assay. Four of them are active in a cell-based assay and are potential anti-angiogenic compounds.

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