
The enzyme 3ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/5-ene-4-ene isomerase (3ß-HSD) catalyzes the oxidation and isomerization of 5-ene-3ß-hydroxypregnene and 5-ene-hydroxyandrostene steroid precursors into the corresponding 4-ene-ketosteroids necessary for the formation of all classes of steroid hormones. We have recently characterized two types of human 3ß-HSD cDNA clones and the corresponding genes which encode deduced proteins of 371 and 372 amino acids, respectively, and share 93.5% homology. The human 3ß-HSD genes containing 4 exons were assigned by in situ hybridization to the p11–p13 region of the short arm of chromosome 1. We have also recently elucidated the structure of three types of rat 3ß-HSD cDNAs as well as that of one type of 3ß-HSD from bovine and macaque ovary λgt11 cDNA libraries which all encode 372 amino acid proteins. The human type I 3ß-HSD is the almost exclusive mRNA species detected in the placenta and skin, while the human type II is the predominant mRNA species in the adrenals, ovaries and testes. The predicted rat type I and type II 3ß-HSD proteins expressed in adrenals, gonads and adipose tissue share 94% homology while they share 80% similarity with the liver-specific type III 3ß-HSD. Transient expression of human type I and type II as well as rat type I and type II 3ß-HSD cDNAs in Hela human cervical carcinoma cells reveals that 3ß-ol dehydrogenase and 5-ene-4-ene isomerase activities reside within a single protein and these cDNAs encode functional 3ß-HSD proteins that are capable of converting 3ß-hydroxy-5-ene-steroids into 3-keto-4-ene derivatives as well as the interconversion of 3ß-hydroxy and 3-keto-5α-androstane steroids. We have found that the rat type III mRNA species was below the detection limit in intact female liver while, following hypophysectomy, its accumulation increased to 55% of the levels measured in intact or HYPOX male rats, an increase which can be blocked by administration of ovine prolactin (oPRL). In addition, in female rats, treatment with oPRL for 10 days starting 15 days after HYPOX, markedly decreased ovarian 3ß-HSD mRNA accumulation accompanied by a similar decrease in 3ß-HSD activity and protein levels. Treatment with the gonadotropin hCG reversed the potent inhibitory effect of oPRL on these parameters and stimulated 3ß-HSD mRNA levels in ovarian interstitial cells. In intact females, hCG exerted marked trophic effects on rat corpora lutea with an increase in total ovarian 3ß-HSD expression and activity. We have also shown that treatment with hCG for 15 days in intact male rats caused a marked increase in testicular 3ß-HSD expression and activity while glucocorticoids exerted inhibitory effects on these parameters. We have also observed that the ontogeny of 3ß-HSD expression in human and rat adrenal gland, testis and ovary is closely correlated with steroid hormone biosynthesis, thus suggesting that regulation of the expression of 3ß-HSD is a limiting step in the biosynthesis of steroids in these tissues.

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