
Observations of the median valley within the 24–30° N area ofthe Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), using the IOSDL high resolutionside-scan sonar instrument TOBI, image four separate areas of themedian valley, containing part or all of nine spreading segments, and fivenon-transform discontinuities between spreading segments (NTDs).These high resolution side scan images were interpreted in parallel withmultibeam bathymetry (Purdy et al., 1990), giving a greater degree ofstructural precision than is possible with the multibeam data alone. Threedistinct types of NTD were identified, corresponding in part to typespreviously identified from the multibeam bathymetric survey of the area.Type 1 NTDs are termed septal offsets, and are marked by a topographic ridgeseparating the two spreading segments. The offset between the spreadingsegments ranges from 9 to 14 km. These can be further subdivided into Type1A in which the septa run parallel to the overall trend of the MAR and Type1B in which the septa lie at a high angle to the bulk ridge trend. Type 1ANTDs are characterised by overlap of the neovolcanic zones of the segmentson each side, and strong offaxis traces, while Type 1B NTDs show no overlapof neovolcanic zones, and weak offaxis traces. Type 2 NTDs arebrittle/ductile extensional shear zones, marked by oblique extensionalfractures, and associated with rotation of tectonic and volcanic structuresaway from the overall trend of the MAR. Type 3 NTDs are associated withoffsets of less than 5 km, and show no sign of any accommodating structure.In this type of NTD, the offset zone is covered with undeformed volcanics.The type of NTD developed at any locality along the ridge axis appears todepend on the amount of segment offset and segment overlap, the overalltrend of the mid-ocean ridge, the width of the zone of discontinuity, themedian valley offset and the longevity of the offset. These factorsinfluence the mechanical properties of the lithosphere across thediscontinuity, and ultimately the tectonic style of the NTD that can besupported. Thus brittle/ductile extensional shear zones are long-livedstructures favoured by large segment offsets, and small or negative segmentoverlaps. Septa can be short or long lived, and are associated with largesegment offsets. Segment overlaps vary from negative (an along axis gap) tozero, for Type 1B septal offsets, or positive to zero for Type 1A septaloffsets. Non-tectonised NTDs are generally short lived structures,characterised by small segment offsets and zero or positive overlaps.

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