
The preparation of the sodalite Na8[AlSiO4]6·(HCO3)1(CO3)0.5(H2O)2and cancrinite Na7.6[AlSiO4]6·(HCO3)1.2(CO3)0.2(H2O)2were carried out in a cold-sealed autoclave using a preheated mixture of γ-Al2O3and precipitated silica together with NaHCO3and NaOH. The material was encapsulated in a small silver tube and heated for 48 hours at a pressure of 0.1 GPa. Two different types of crystals remained during this process. From these crystals the structure of both compounds were determined from single crystal diffractometer data. The sodalite Na8[AlSiO4]6(HCO3)1(CO3)0.5(H2O)2: P-43n, a = 903.3(1) pm, V = 0.7370(1) nm3, Z = 2, R = 0.013, wR2= 0.027 for 242 structure factors and 63 variable positional parameters; the cancrinite Na7.6[AlSiO4]6(HCO3)1.2(CO3)0.2(H2O)2: P63, a = 1272.5(2) pm, c = 517.7(1) pm, V = 0.7260(1) nm3, Z = 2, R = 0.034, wR2 = 0.066 for 845 F’s and 99 variables. Spectroscopic properties were measured with an IR microscope in transmission mode using single crystals polished to a thickness of 30 μm. Both structures are build by corner shared six rings of AlO4and SiO4tetrahedra stacked cubic close packed ABCA’B’C’ for the sodalite and hexagonal close packed ABA’B’ for the cancrinite. The mean Al-O (174.3 pm) and Si-O (161.4 pm) distances for the sodalite and 173.7 pm (Al-O) and 161.8 pm (Si-O) are in good agreement with former structure description of related materials. Hydrogencarbonate and carbonate was found statistically distributed in the sodalite β-cages and in the channels of the cancrinite structure. Whereas for the sodium atoms in the sodalite four different positions are observed, the sodium atoms in the cancrinite structure where found near the threefold axes in the cancrinite ε-cage and on one position in the channel.

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