
A double neptunyl(V) cesium molybdate, Cs[NpO2MoO4(H2O)], was studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Crystal data: rhombic system, a = 9.478(2), b = 7.900(1), c = 10.499(2) A; space group Pnna, Z = 4, d = 5.05 g cm−3, R = 0.030. The compound has a framework structure; the coordination polyhedron of the Np atom is a distorted pentagonal bipyramid with the equatorial positions occupied by four O atoms of four molybdate groups and an O atom of the coordinated water molecule. The IR and visible absorption spectra of this compound and of Cs2[(NpO2)2Mo2O8] whose structure had been determined previously were measured. The NpO 2 + stretching vibration frequencies in the IR spectra of these compounds virtually coincide. Incorporation of the O atom of the Mo-O-Mo bridge into the first coordination sphere of the neptunyl(V) ion in Cs2[(NpO2)2Mo2O8] exerts the same disturbing effect on the electronic absorption spectrum as does the cation-cation interaction with one of the O atoms acting as a bridge between two Np atoms.

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