
This article deals with Russian derived verbs of behaviour, formed on the basis of substantive and adjectival stems by means of suffixation. The aim of the analysis is to identify and characterize the structural, lexical and designative specificity of this class of words from the derivational-semantic aspect. The study showed that the four word-formation models that are the most productive and popular in Russian speech are those that include suffixes-nicha(t?), -stvova(t?), -i(t?), and -ova(t?), within which the explication of ?behavioural semantics? takes place. Lexical derivation is accompanied by active metaphorization, as a result of which the verbal lexeme acquires expressive-evaluative connotation (often pejorative) and functional and stylistic marking (?colloquial? or ?bookish?). The article characterizes motivational relations and lexical and word-formation semantics of verbs formed according to a particular model and reveals their designative-evaluative and regulative function. Verbs of behaving and acting reflect stereotypical ideas of native speakers of Russian about desirable, exemplary or undesirable, socially proscribed forms of human interaction with the surrounding world. Their derivational dynamics allows for objectification of basic moral and ethical meanings and deontic norms in the mental and cultural space of the Russian language, which indicates the axiological component of the process of verb designation.

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