
The structure of gadolinium hexacyanoferrate Prussian blue analogue Gd[Fe(CN)6]·4H2O was investigated by powder x-ray diffraction technique using the Rietveld structure refinement method. Obtained results have confirmed pseudohexagonal symmetry of the compound with lattice parameters a = 7.394(4)A, b = 12.836(6)A and c = 13.666(6)A. The negative value of IS in Mossbauer spectrum is due to the presence of cyano groups. Magnetic susceptibility above T = 20K obeys Curie-Weiss law. Value of effective magnetic moment μeff = 7.19μB is lower than the expected value for a free Gd3+ ion (μeff = 7.94μB). Differences between FC and ZFC behavior of magnetic susceptibility indicate a spin-glass like magnetic arrangement. Our results support prediction that the material orders ferrimagnetically below Tc = 2.3K.

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