
Context. Observations of the rest-frame UV emission of high-redshift galaxies suggest that the early stages of galaxy formation involve disturbed structures. Imaging the cold interstellar medium (ISM) can provide a unique view of the kinematics associated with the assembly of galaxies. Aims. In this paper, we analyze the spatial distribution and kinematics of the cold ionized gas of the normal star-forming galaxy COS-2987030247 at z = 6.8076, based on new high-resolution observations of the [C II] 158 μm line emission obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Methods. The analysis of these observations allowed us to: compare the spatial distribution and extension of the [C II] and rest-frame UV emission, model the [C II] line data-cube using the 3DBAROLO code, and measure the [C II] luminosity and star formation rate (SFR) surface densities in the galaxy subregions. Results. The system is found to be composed of a main central source, a fainter north extension, and candidate [C II] companions located 10-kpc away. We find similar rest-frame UV and [C II] spatial distributions, suggesting that the [C II] emission emerges from the star-forming regions. The agreement between the UV and [C II] surface brightness radial profiles rules out diffuse, extended [C II] emission (often called a [C II] halo) in the main galaxy component. The [C II] velocity map reveals a velocity gradient in the north-south direction, suggesting ordered motion, as commonly found in rotating-disk galaxies. However, higher resolution observations would be needed to rule out a compact merger scenario. Our model indicates an almost face-on galaxy (i ∼ 20°), with a average rotational velocity of 86 ± 16 km s−1 and a low average velocity dispersion, σ < 30 km s−1. This result implies a dispersion lower than the expected value from observations and semi-analytic models of high redshift galaxies. Furthermore, our measurements indicate that COS-2987030247 and its individual regions systematically lie within the local L[CII]-SFR relationship, yet slightly below the local Σ[CII]-ΣUV relation. Conclusions. We argue that COS-2987030247 is a candidate rotating disk experiencing a short period of stability which will possibly become perturbed at later times by accreting sources.

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