
ABSTRACTWhereas ant mosaics have been widely recognized and described in tropical ecosystems, data on space partitioning among arboreal termite colonies are rudimentary. During a long term field study in New Guinea, the distribution of arboreal termite species in coconut plantations as well as the extent and dynamics of competition between them were investigated. The three dominant species, Mirrocerotermes biroi, Nasutitermes princeps and N. novarumhebridarum, feed on the same items but never exploit the same tree. The resulting distribution pattern is a mosaic with two peculiarities. First, some extended areas around N. princeps colonies appear unexploited, as this species practices interference competition on a wide scale, defending large territories inter‐ and intra‐specifically. Second, interspecific relations are asymmetrical. In some plantations, large colonies of N. princeps expand their territory by destroying colonies of M. biroi, but when the pressure of N. princeps is relaxed, dense populations of colonies of M. biroi can recolonize the trees in a few years’ time. Territorial boundaries may thus change relatively fast. N. novarumhebridarum often colonizes dead trees and interferes less with the other species. These facts are consistent with each species’ reproductive investment strategy. Hypotheses are proposed to explain how the dominant species can coexist, even in long established plantations.

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