
Continuing our series of observations of the motion and dynamics of the solar corona over the solar-activity cycle, we observed the corona from sites in Queensland, Australia, during the 13 (UT)/14 (local time) November 2012 total solar eclipse. The corona took the low-ellipticity shape typical of solar maximum (flattening index {\epsilon} = 0.01), showing a change from the composite coronal images that we had observed and analyzed in this journal and elsewhere for the 2006, 2008, 2009, and 2010 eclipses. After crossing the northeast Australian coast, the rest of the path of totality was over the ocean, so further totality was seen only by shipborne observers. Our results include measurements of velocities of a coronal mass ejection; during the 36 minutes of passage from the Queensland coast to a ship north of New Zealand, we find a speed of 413 km/s, and we analyze its dynamics. We discuss the shapes and positions of several types of coronal features seen on our higher-resolution composite Queensland images of the solar corona, including, many helmet streamers, very faint bright and dark loops at the base of helmet streamers, voids and radially oriented thin streamers. We compare our eclipse observations with a hairy-ball model of the magnetic field, confirming the validity of the prediction, and we relate the eclipse phenomenology seen with the near-simultaneous images from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on the NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO/AIA), the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager on NASA's Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO/EUVI), ESA/ROB's PROBA2/SWAP, and NRL's LASCO on ESA's SOHO. For example, the southeastern CME is related to the solar flare whose origin we trace with a SWAP series of images.

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