
Japanese barberry, Berberis thunbergii DC., has become a prominent exotic species in deciduous forests throughout the eastern and midwestern US. Populations range from small plants occurring at low densities to dense, impenetrable thickets of plants with up to 40 stems/individual. A study was undertaken at Morristown National Historical Park in New Jersey to document plant densities, plant size, recruitment through vegetative processes of new shoot initiation and clonal spread and recruitment from seedling establishment, and mortality of stems and plants. Nearly 2000 shoots on 370 plants were individually marked and followed for two growing seasons, and over 1000 seedlings were also individually marked and followed. Populations vary much more in total shoots/area than they do in plant individuals/area, or in mean plant size (shoots/plant), as even the sparse populations have a few large individuals. Shoot mortality is less than new shoot initiation, but most plants do not change in size or change by small numbers of stems. However, the number of new shoots per plant increases as plant size increases. Once plants have three stems, they suffer little or no mortality. Seedling establishment is proportional to the density of shoots, so that as plants grow in size, local recruitment from seed increases. Large numbers of seedlings, and a survival rate of 10%, combine to make seedling recruitment a major component of population increase. The combination of multiple forms of vegetative and seed-based population growth, and the very low rates of plant mortality due to the multi-stemmed growth form explains the ability of this invasive species to rapidly produce dense, persistent populations.

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