
Two 4-ns molecular dynamics simulations of calcium loaded calmodulin in solution have been performed, using both standard nonbonded cutoffs and Ewald summation to treat electrostatic interactions. Our simulation results are generally consistent with solution experimental studies of calmodulin structure and dynamics, including NMR, cross-linking, fluorescence and x-ray scattering. The most interesting result of the molecular dynamics simulations is the detection of large-scale structural fluctuations of calmodulin in solution. The globular N- and C-terminal domains tend to move approximately like rigid bodies, with fluctuations of interdomain distances within a 7 Å range and of interdomain angles by up to 60 deg. Essential dynamics analysis indicates that the three dominant types of motion involve bending of the central helix in two perpendicular planes and a twist in which the domains rotate in opposite directions around the central helix. In the more realistic Ewald trajectory the protein backbone remains mostly within a 2–3 Å root-mean-square distance from the crystal structure, the secondary structure within the domains is conserved and middle part of the central helix becomes disordered. The central helix itself exhibits limited fluctuations, with its bend angle exploring the 0–50° range and the end-to-end distance falling in 39–43 Å. The results of the two simulations were similar in many respects. However, the cutoff trajectory exhibited a larger deviation from the crystal, loss of several helical hydrogen bonds in the N-terminal domain and lack of structural disorder in the central helix.

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