
THOMAS, V. & DAVE, Y., 1992. Structure and biology of nectaries in Tabebuia serratifolia Nichols (Bignoniaceae). Tabebuia has both floral and extrafloral nectaries, situated on the petiole, bract, calyx, around the ovary and on the pericarp. The floral nectary present around the ovary base is differentiated into epidermis, secretory zone and sub-secretory zone. It is supplied by phloem strands up to the secretory zone. A mature extrafloral nectary consists of a single large basal cell and a head comprising a layer of vertically arranged elongated cells. Starch, protein and lipid are present in the floral nectary. The major insect visitors to both types of nectaries are honey bees, houseflies and ants.

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