
For the purpose of an analysis of the Christian regime of truth we developed a specific analytical methodology. The regime of truth is observed at three levels of its structure, so we can discern its inner core, outer core and outer layers. The inner core of the Christian regime of truth was formed before the advent of Christianity. In our analysis of knowledge production, we can note the existence of the Old Testament regime of truth on top of which the Christian regime will be built – by absorbing it in the most significant form. In the inner core of the regime of truth, where the scriptures of the Old Testament are produced, Judaism has dominance. With the emergence of the Christian regime of truth most of the Old Testament regime knowledge is internalized and the outer core of the regime of truth is formed. In this process the scriptures of the New Testament are formed as well as the epistemes that have the function of multiplying discourse production. The outer layers of the Christian regime of truth, as can be seen in the epistemes, appear after the period of formation of the Holy Scriptures and the development of theological systems. The three-layered structure is formed and it includes: the Old Testament regime of truth, an authentic core formed around the revelations of Jesus Christ and the older theological iterations of knowledge – produced in the core of the regime of truth. In the second methodological step we analyze the formations of power. In our analysis we observed horizontal and vertical structures of the regime of truth. Epistemes are classified as horizontal structures because of the dominance that one specific episteme has in a moment in history. One episteme is superseded by another, but it is always present in the shadow of the dominant episteme. We can see signs of its existence in the regime of truth. On the other hand, the formations of power are strategic entities and have a vertical character. They are not time dependent, as we can observe their presence in every moment in history. For example, a misogynistic formation of power can be found in the inner and outer core and the outer layers. In the third methodological step of the analysis of the Christian regime of truth we are evaluating its position in relation to the dynamic of the Imaginary, Symbolic and Real registers. Special emphasis is put on the influence that the concept of sin has on the subject of the Christian regime of truth. We are focused on four analytical moments. The first is the analysis of the position of the subject in regard to the regime of truth, nested in the center of the symbolic order. The second moment is the analysis of the mechanism of ideological production. The third analytical moment is the definition of objet petit a of the Christian regime of truth. And finally, we analyze the Real of the Christian regime of truth. The main goal of this doctoral thesis was a structuralistic analysis of the Christian concept of sin of the Christian regime of truth, where an originally theological term gained a new dimension that has a purpose in repressing the subject. With this goal in mind, we looked into the processes of knowledge production that are inherent to the Christian regime of truth and that formed the concept of sin as its main part.


  • In the second methodological step we analyze the formations of power

  • The regime of truth is observed at three levels of its structure, so we can discern its inner core, outer core and outer layers

  • The inner core of the Christian regime of truth was formed before the advent of Christianity

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For the purpose of an analysis of the Christian regime of truth we developed a specific analytical methodology. On the basis of all previously mentioned focal points of the formations of power, we can notice the anthropomorphic shaping of the objects of the Christian regime of truth. It is produced because of the needs of some specific social groups. This type of phantasm creates conditions for structural violence of the regime on those subjects that are lower in the social hierarchy We noticed this in the second focal point of the misogynistic formation of power in the thesis on the biological inferiority of women. Ako promotrimo smjene epistema i utjecaj formacija moći, uočavamo dinamiku proizvodnje znanja u režimu istine, ali ostaje pitanje kako subjekt to znanje internalizira i zašto ono ima utjecaj na njega. Kršćanski režim istine oblikuje koncept grijeha kao omnipotentni panoptikon čovjekove duše, mehanizam kontrole koji djeluje iz same nutrine pojedinca

Uvodne napomene
Episteme unutrašnje jezgre kršćanskog režima istine
Episteme vanjske jezgre kršćanskog režima istine
Epistema Markova evanđelja
Epistema Matejeva evanđelja
Epistema Lukina evanđelja
Epistema Ivanova evanđelja
Epistema pavlovskih spisa
Epistema ekvilibrija
Epistema probabilizma
Epistema personalističke perspektive
Prva žarišna točka legalističke formacije moći
Druga žarišna točka legalističke formacije moći
Seksualna formacija moći
Prva žarišna točka seksualne formacije moći
Druga žarišna točka seksualne formacije moći
Treća žarišna točka seksualne formacije moći
Prva žarišna točka dijetetičko-sanitarne formacije moći
Druga žarišna točka dijetetičko-sanitarne formacije moći
Prva žarišna točka antiparezijske formacije moći
Druga žarišna točka antiparezijske formacije moći
Treća žarišna točka antiparezijske formacije moći
Militaristička formacija moći
Prva žarišna točka militarističke formacije moći
Druga žarišna točka militarističke formacije moći
Prva žarišna točka monetarne formacije moći
Druga žarišna točka monetarne formacije moći
Prva žarišna točka mizoginijske formacije moći
Druga žarišna točka mizoginijske formacije moći
Treća žarišna točka mizoginijske formacije moći
Prva žarišna točka antisemitske formacije moći
Druga žarišna točka antisemitske formacije moći
Egomorfni objekti kršćanskog režima istine
Fantazma moralne superiornosti subjekta kršćanskog režima istine
Kršćanski režim istine u kontekstu ideološke realnosti
Fiksiranje lebdećih označitelja
Objet petit a kršćanskog režima istine
Realno kršćanskog režima istine
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