
Glass compositions in the system 40SiO 2–30BaO–20ZnO–( x)Mn 2O 3–(10 − x)B 2O 3 glasses have been synthesized and the thermal, structural and crystallization kinetic properties characterized. The lower concentration of Mn 2O 3 in place of B 2O 3 acts as a network former and suppressed the tendency of phase separation in glasses. On the other hand, concentration of Mn 2O 3 > 7.5 mol% induce phase separation in the glass matrix. The highest activation energy for crystallization is observed in the composition without B 2O 3 (INM4) (355 kJ/mol). The values of thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) and viscosity of this glass is 8 × 10 −6 K −1 and 10 4.2dPa s (850 °C), respectively. After long heat treatment (800 °C for 100 h), thermodynamically stable hexacelsian and monoclinic phases are formed. These phases are not detrimental to SOFC application.

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